Thursday, October 30, 2014

Token of Love

This necklace is a favorite for many of my customers and a popular gift item.

My shirt started out buttoned today, but then I spilled the juice from my fruit cup at lunch down the front, so it became this. I'm not really feeling it. But this necklace!

Isn't that beautiful? It's simple, meaningful, and super affordable at $26. You can get one for your mom, your grandma, your aunt, you daughter, teachers, friends ... unless she already has this necklace, she'll probably love it!

Don't forget about the URL change on Saturday! Going over to :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


How are you feeling today? Did the pep talk yesterday help at all? I hope so :)

If ever there was a dress for one of those busted days, this is the dress! I found it by the fitting room at Old Navy, saw the clearance sticker, tried it on, loved it and bought it. After I got home, I realized it was a MATERNITY DRESS! No, I'm not pregnant, but I really do love this dress. And my mom friends tell me to wear it now, because it'll stretch beyond return when I am pregnant.

So pretty, so comfy, so cozy! 

This is the chiffon necklace, which goes with just about anything. And the Color Wheel bracelet, which also goes with just about anything. These were both very popular gift items last Christmas, and I'm sure they will be again.

So have you ever bought maternity dresses - or something equally weird - on accident before? I want to hear your stories in the comments below!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mint and Cobalt/busted can of biscuits

Do you ever have one of those days where you just feel like a busted can of biscuits? Today was one of those days for me. I don't know why, I guess it's just part of being female.

I've learned a few tricks for combating these kinds of days, and I'll share a few here.

First of all, IT'S OKAY. It happens to everyone.

Water with lemon and cucumber. And lime if you're feeling exotic. This always flushes me out and helps things just feel better. Plus, it tastes good!

Solid colors, especially dark. Darker colors are slimming. Bright colors aren't.

Vertical stripes help us look taller and thinner, so are always a good choice.

Remember that while you don't like the way your body feels in the moment, it's still the special body God created just for you! So while you may be thinking ugh, I hate my body!, it is His temple and He made it special just for you! And He does care about how you're feeling, so feel free to tell him something like, God, I feel like a busted can of biscuits today, but I thank you anyway for blessing me with a body that works and for having enough food that I can wake up feeling fat. I've learned that even if I do feel that I hate my body, I never say it to myself. I tell myself things I'd tell a friend, like, "It's ok. You're bloated, not fat. It will go away. You have a great body." And if I don't believe it, I keep saying it until I do!

Always works for me ;)

Anyway ... one other trick for today is long necklaces! They draw the eye up and down and extend the illusion of being tall and thin. Plus, sometimes jewelry can just be that little special thing that gives you the confidence boost you need!

My work buddies said (halfway through the day) that at first, they thought the cobalt and mint didn't match at all, but it slowly grew on them, and they were loving it! I had the same thoughts as I got dressed this morning.

I'm wearing the True Blue necklace, Gateway bracelet, and Naomi ring. 

What are some things that help you through a busted-can-of-biscuits kind of day?

Monday, October 27, 2014

When not to wear a necklace/meet my dogs

There's a fantastic neckline cheat sheet on Pinterest for what necklaces go with what necklines. I'm really considering printing it and framing it for my closet.

Anyway, this is one type of shirt on the no-necklace list. This is also a time my dogs decided to sabotage my selfie efforts.


And Herbie, my 70-pound lapdog.

These are the Gold Lace earrings, which are retired, but we have some similar silver ones that are called (can you guess it?) Silver Lace. They are beautiful but light enough to wear all day!

This is the beautiful Arabesque bracelet, which incorporates just about every current fashion trend: gold, Grecian motifs, greens, and blues.

And the adorable and awkward Baci again! We seem to be in the terrible twos of dog life right now (7-10 months). She's a handful and we love her, but we're hoping our house and sanity stays intact through this stage!

Don't forget! URL changing real soon to!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pearls pearls pearls!

If you follow me on Pinterest, you'll know I love chunky pearl necklaces. Unfortunately, it's taken me this long to figure out that I have the necessary ingredients, I just needed to put them together!

Today I'm wearing the Opening Night pearls quadrupled and the De La Creme (retired) pearls short. If you have a set of pearls that are differently sized, you could imitate this same look :)

This is a TJ Maxx dress, and my husband gave me that ring for my birthday the first year of our marriage. 

I'm loving this look! Would you rock chunky pearls like this?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

What do I wear for working out?

What jewelry should I wear to the gym, or for my next race?


There are 5 things to never do in your jewelry, and they all start with S! To make your jewelry last longer, don't wear it when showering, swimming, sweating, spraying (hairspray, perfume, etc.), or sleeping. Simple, right?

Friday, October 24, 2014

In my white tee

Today I'm wearing one of my favorite things: a basic white shirt! I used to hate all things neutral, but now I love them. They are a perfect canvas for jewelry and other fun accessories! Also, bleach. Need I say more?

Today I am wearing a white shirt with dark skinny jeans and khaki colored boots. I'm accessorized with a pretend Burberry scarf and jewelry!

I'm wearing the Layered On necklace, silver It's a Wrap and Starlet bracelets, and Real Find earrings.

Here is also the beautiful Skyfall ring. It has aurora borealis crystals. What are those? They pick up the light around you and reflect that. So depending on what you're wearing and where you are, the colors may change. It's like a mood ring for grown-ups!

Don't forget! The blog URL changes to on November 1!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Paradise Found

Our weather flip flops so much around here. One day I'm bundled up in a scarf and boots, and the next I'm pulling out this summer dress. Good thing it's a dark, fall-appropriate color! And OMG, isn't this Paradise Found necklace gorgeous??!!

The usual arm party: gold Starlet and gold It's a Wrap. Look at that beautiful necklace!

This necklace is just sooo pretty! In the catalog it looks kind of blah, but in person it just sparkles. That's the case with most of our jewelry, so the best way to see what it really looks like is to find yourself a jewelry lady and have her bring her bling to you!

How would you wear this necklace?

And please don't forget about the url change on Nov. 1! Going to :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Not your grandma's Crochet

Are you ready for another Target dress? This is another one I have weird rules about. I won't wear this dress unless it's after September, but usually not until October. I don't know why, it just says winter to me! Let me know what you think in the comments ...

It didn't come with the belt, but I really think it looks sooooo much better with! I'm wearing the Grand Entrance bracelet and the amazing Crochet necklace:

And the beautiful Sitting Pretty earrings. Fitting name, right?

To see all that Crochet can do, be sure to click the tag link below that says "Crochet."

Is this a dress you would rock in warmer weather months?

Also, Nov. 1 url change reminder! I will be moving to! Please join me there :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


What do you do when you have a few basic pieces you want to wear together, but that don't really go together? Accessorize!

These are great basic pieces from either Goodwill or the clearance section, but just look kind of plain and sad by themselves.

I'm wearing the Angel Mist necklace and matching earrings, the Pixie ring, and the Sheerly Playful bracelet (which goes with everything).

What are some of your best accessorizing tips?

Monday, October 20, 2014

A lesson on $70 necklaces

Today I am wearing a necklace that quickly became my favorite once I bought it, is now retired (sad!!), and that I never bought because it was "too expensive." I ended up earning it for free at my own homeshow - Premier lets us jewelers do that every now and then. Once I got it, I wore it ALL THE TIME. Seriously! So now I realize, if I'm going to get a lot of use out of something that I know I'll love, it's ok to spend a bit more on it.

Isn't this set amazing?

The bracelet is (of course) the gold It's a Wrap, the necklace and ring are called Poppy, and the earrings are Shine Bright.

Have you ever spent way more than you were comfortable on an item, then realized it was so worth it?

URL change reminder! on November 1.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Is this dressy enough for tailgatin?

Have you seen the "Sh%t Southern Women Say" videos? If not, stop right now, go to YouTube, and search for it. Actually ...

Right around the 1:14 mark. Yep. Now go watch the others. They're pretty stinking funny.

This dress is from Dress Up. I'm wearing the Instant Style necklace long with the pendant from Crochet, Real Find earrings, Grand Entrance bracelet, Starlet bracelet, and Jazz ring.

So what's your verdict? Is this dressy enough for tailgatin'?

And don't forget about the URL change! This will be starting November 1!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Cardigan and Tee

This is a look I've always liked but never tried myself: Wearing a tee shirt with a cardigan. I've seen other girls (and guys) wear it before and liked it on them, so why not finally do it myself?

Did you know that 3/4 sleeves are the most universally flattering sleeves for women? Push those sleeves up, girls!

I'm wearing the Gateway bracelet, silver Starlet bracelet, and Buckle Up ring. Isn't that ring adorable?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Brightening up a dark top + URL change!

Firstly, do you ever read other blogs and get the impression their lives are just perfect? Does that ever happen with my blog? If so, I hope this picture shatters all your conceptions of how picture-perfect my life is...

Yup, that's the latest rescue, trying to get in on the action. We named her Baci, which is Italian for kisses, and completely appropriate. Also, she is about 7 months and 50 pounds ... she'll be a big girl!

I'm cozy in a dark sweater and jeans. The necklaces are Keeping it Personal and Costa Rica, and I'm wearing the Malibu earrings and one of the rings from the Rock Steady set.

You can't really see it, but there are three charms on my Keep it Personal necklace. True to its name, you can personalize this necklace any way you want. There are all letters of the alphabet. One side is upper case, the other is lower, and the bauble and filigree charms come separately, so you don't even have to wear both if you don't like them. This is such a pretty necklace and will make a great gift this Christmas season!

By the way, this URL is changing to on November 1! Hopefully that will be easier to remember and spell :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I love Cardigans

Cardigans are one of my favorite pieces of clothing. Seriously! They make everything so versatile.

This is my latest cardigan, from Goodwill (H&M).

I'm wearing the beautiful Mint Condition necklace, Pistachio bracelet, gold It's a Wrap bracelet, Arabesque bracelet, Flip It ring, and Hint of Mint earrings. Whew, that's a lot of jewelry!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Purple sweater dress

Apparently I jinxed it yesterday saying I was ready for colder weather ... today's cool was sweater dress worthy!

If you've ever wanted a snapshot of my life, here it is:

This is the room where I take most of my pictures, and behind me is my silly husband, always making me laugh. This is his favorite necklace, by the way.

I'm wearing a thrifted purple sweater dress and the Runway necklace and earrings (retired), along with the silver starlet bracelet.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Boutique Dress

So I've been following this adorable boutique in Instagram for quite a while. I'd browse their sale section occasionally and think, "I'd really like to try this on before spending $35 on a dress. Sad face." One day I finally decided to check the locations page and found out they have a store front 10 minutes down the road!

Girls, if you are in the northeast Georgia area, find yourself a Dress Up store and go! Their stuff is so cute and seems (so far) to be excellent quality. Plus then you can go on their Instagram page and see your dress and feel like a real rockstar.

Isn't this dress the cutest! It came with a white belt, but I wore brown flats so paired it with a brown (loose) belt.

Jewelry: Adoration necklace, Matthew 17:20 necklace, gold Starlet bracelet, gold It's a Wrap bracelet, and Flip It ring.

What's your spending limit for dresses? This is one of the most expensive dresses I own, but I think I'm going to get a lot of uses out of it. I can't wait for it to get cool enough to wear it with a scarf and boots!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Is that ... orange?

Is Cait wearing an orange dress during football season?

Not quite. This is a cute thrifted dress from Goodwill (Juicy Couture!) that is perfect for one of the last warm days of the fall. The stripes make it look orange. And I didn't know that until I came home from church and took this picture.

I'm wearing the retired Gold Lace earrings, the Adoration necklace, the gold Starlet bracelet, and the Jasmine ring.

Let's just let this mishap slide...

Saturday, October 11, 2014


This week, the Dawgs are on the road, so that calls for yummy tailgate treats in the comfort of our own home!

This is the Cayenne necklace and earrings. I'm wearing it with the Starlet bracelet.

It's a little dark for red, so some of you Alabama fans might like this one too :)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Date Night

I've come to learn that date nights are so important in marriage. Tonight was one such night! We went and saw "The Song" and had a great time. Movies are so expensive, so we usually just catch them on TV or at the dollar theater. But we just learned we can use our credit card points to get movie tickets!

I'm wearing a shirt I got from New York and Company on clearance and jeans from American Eagle that I also got on clearance a long time ago. Jewelry: Real Find earrings, Grand Entrance necklace and bracelet, and Jazz ring. That farmer's tan can't be bought, but I can certainly teach you how to get a good one!

If you are one of the many Christians who believe we should have more clean movies (less sex, less cussing, more wholesome, etc.) being produced, I encourage you to let your dollars count by seeing "The Song" in theaters. We saw previews for at least three other faith-based movies, so we'll probably go see those too (maybe with actual dollars rather than credit card points this time!).

Aaaaand ... get your orders in by 5 tonight! You don't want to miss out on this!

To view the catalog, go to and use the code jcait (all lowercase). To order, email me at! Happy shopping!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


One of the good things about living in the south? Pearls go with everything.

This is Opening Night quadrupled. It looks amazing with everything.

Also, don't forget, this ends tomorrow!

To view the catalog, go to and use the code jcait (all lowercase). To order, email me at! Happy shopping!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mustard seed

This is another bargain Target top. I would actually like to have one in every color and pattern. But, unfortunately, my budget doesn't allow that.

V-neck shirts are one of the most universally flattering necklines for women. They help us look taller and thinner, and they are great for adding some bling!

I'm wearing the Over the Moon necklace (aka layering for dummies) and the Matthew 17:20 necklace. This necklace is amazing for a whole lot of reasons. Firstly, that middle stone is a natural semi-precious stone (Amazonite), so each necklace is completely unique. Some are milky white, some are light blue, like mine, others are a brighter blue, some even are closer to green. The feather has amazing detail and crystals on one side. And that little flower has a real mustard seed! Isn't that amazing?

I'm not taking credit for this picture, but wanted you to see a more detailed shot:

There's still time to get in on this!

To view the catalog, go to and use the code jcait (all lowercase). To order, email me at! Happy shopping!