Friday, October 10, 2014

Date Night

I've come to learn that date nights are so important in marriage. Tonight was one such night! We went and saw "The Song" and had a great time. Movies are so expensive, so we usually just catch them on TV or at the dollar theater. But we just learned we can use our credit card points to get movie tickets!

I'm wearing a shirt I got from New York and Company on clearance and jeans from American Eagle that I also got on clearance a long time ago. Jewelry: Real Find earrings, Grand Entrance necklace and bracelet, and Jazz ring. That farmer's tan can't be bought, but I can certainly teach you how to get a good one!

If you are one of the many Christians who believe we should have more clean movies (less sex, less cussing, more wholesome, etc.) being produced, I encourage you to let your dollars count by seeing "The Song" in theaters. We saw previews for at least three other faith-based movies, so we'll probably go see those too (maybe with actual dollars rather than credit card points this time!).

Aaaaand ... get your orders in by 5 tonight! You don't want to miss out on this!

To view the catalog, go to and use the code jcait (all lowercase). To order, email me at! Happy shopping!

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