Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Not your grandma's Crochet

Are you ready for another Target dress? This is another one I have weird rules about. I won't wear this dress unless it's after September, but usually not until October. I don't know why, it just says winter to me! Let me know what you think in the comments ...

It didn't come with the belt, but I really think it looks sooooo much better with! I'm wearing the Grand Entrance bracelet and the amazing Crochet necklace:

And the beautiful Sitting Pretty earrings. Fitting name, right?

To see all that Crochet can do, be sure to click the tag link below that says "Crochet."

Is this a dress you would rock in warmer weather months?

Also, Nov. 1 url change reminder! I will be moving to! Please join me there :)

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