Thursday, October 23, 2014

Paradise Found

Our weather flip flops so much around here. One day I'm bundled up in a scarf and boots, and the next I'm pulling out this summer dress. Good thing it's a dark, fall-appropriate color! And OMG, isn't this Paradise Found necklace gorgeous??!!

The usual arm party: gold Starlet and gold It's a Wrap. Look at that beautiful necklace!

This necklace is just sooo pretty! In the catalog it looks kind of blah, but in person it just sparkles. That's the case with most of our jewelry, so the best way to see what it really looks like is to find yourself a jewelry lady and have her bring her bling to you!

How would you wear this necklace?

And please don't forget about the url change on Nov. 1! Going to :)

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