Wednesday, February 27, 2013


How many other people fell in love with the coral color last spring?

And how many are thrilled it's in this spring too?

I LOVE coral! The only problem is that I could never find a cute coral top! I finally found some great nail polish, then I realized Premier has pieces with Coral in them ... duh.

I wore this for our first evening Bible study at our house.

The earrings are called Cabana and were a birthday gift from Brent, and the necklace is called Tangerine, and was a birthday gift from me. The necklace is a long strand that I've doubled. The earrings were a little on the heavy side for me, but since we only had company for a few hours, I didn't have to wear them too long.

We are doing the Love and Respect book study in our group. If you've never read that book before and are married, I highly suggest it. It's so true and practical. We are so excited to study this book with a group and see what God does in our marriages!

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