Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Real Talk: Self-Care

I've had this conversation a few times with a friend of mine (and gym buddy). We're kind of all-or-nothing girls. When we're exercising, we're eating right, and vice versa. But once one of those falls off, the other follows quickly.

I've noticed for myself that dressing up and wearing jewelry also falls into this routine with me. When I'm not taking care of my body by working out and eating well, I don't always feel like showering, putting on make up, doing my hair, or putting on nice clothes and jewelry.

This holiday season has been such a rush I really haven't felt like taking care of myself (or had time to), so Double Up December is ending a few days early. Sorry! One of my goals for the new year is taking better care of myself on all fronts: exercising, eating well, and taking care of my physical appearance. I don't know about you, but I feel so much better about myself and life when I'm doing good things for myself.

Trust me, you are worth the time and effort it takes to look good and be confident! I just have to start believing that myself...

Happy New Year! Share with me some of your goals for 2015 in the comments! :)

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