Thursday, December 11, 2014

Double up December: Hopeful 3 (bonus!)

I want to take a second to talk about bras. If you've been following my blog for awhile, you'll know I love a good bargain and don't mind wearing secondhand clothes (and get most of my clothes from Goodwill). But when it comes to undergarments, I fully believe in spending more and making that investment. That's why, when Victoria's Secret has a good deal, I'm all over it!

In the process of Christmas shopping, I discovered that Victoria's Secret was having one of the usual sales of two bras for $42. That's a lot, but think of how many times you wear your bra. And how much comfort right there means. They were also giving away coupon scratch-offs, and I got one free bra! So we found a nice-looking sports bra (that I haven't worn yet) and got it free. PLUS, they were giving away necklaces for spending a certain amount. I'm not sure what amount it was or how I ended up earning it, but I'm not questioning it :) I paired it here with the Hopeful necklace.

What are your philosophies on bra-buying?

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