Monday, December 1, 2014

Double up December: Opening Night

For the month of December, I'm going to show you the same jewelry look with two (or more) different outfits back to back :) partially because it's easier and December is a crazy month. 

The first outfit is this great black sweater dress I found at Goodwill on my last trip there. Yes, the first day of December here in Georgia is warm enough for dresses!

I know I promised no more ipod selfies, but my camera battery died and in the haste to clean everything up for hosting thanksgiving (that happened), I can't find the charger. 

Anyway, I also can't find my clip-it, so this is an easy look to do without a clip-it. 

Besides Opening Night, I'm also wearing a pearl ringBrent gave me and pearl studs from my dad.  

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