Friday, February 14, 2014

Just Peachy

Today was spent walking along the beach, driving the race course, napping, and cheering my mom on as she completed her 5k.

My parents at the beach behind our hotel :) it was very cold and windy. 

My husband joined us this evening for dinner. I had this enormous flounder and sweet potato fries. Carb loading is difficult when you're gluten- and dairy-free! But luckily potatoes have some carbs. 

I wore the peachy keen necklace without the enhancer (forgot to pack it!) I usually pair this necklace with the melon earrings from the gumdrops collection, but I was feeling fancy and wore my favorite earrings instead - gold lace. 

What do you think? Would you wear this combo?

Now it's off to an early bedtime for an early half marathon!

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